You Can Rise Up

Hello Beloved Blog Readers,

I hope February is very dearly here for you.

I am wishing that the terrible right wing energy does not have you too down.

I and the Long-Wishing-for-Good-Changes-Earth wish you the best darn good energy for rising up and working to resist. It is awful to see how stupid people can be. I am really sure this can be addressed.

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I am happy to say that we are long at sea with this Ahab from Moby Dick.

I want to remind you that so much good living happened on that boat and in the end the good guy lives to tell the tale.

I am going through some changes too which I will elaborate more on in days to come.

In the meantime, let's drink in the sun so we remain energized for the tasks at hand.

Good ways always win in the end.


Good Sailor of Rough Seas