The Good News

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

The summer we expected to have has not gone as I thought it would. Joy is coming.

I have some fun big news that just is none of my business but I will share it with you.

I want to declare that my long time communication supporter is getting married. I am somewhat the accomplice of this happy story as I have assisted Emily in changing what was not working in her life while she assisted me in connecting with the people who assisted me to make my movie. We are mentors to each other.

I’m totally excited for Emily and Brian. I’m thinking of all that will come from this incredible couple.

I am, of course, interested in officiating the wedding when it happens.

Really great weather is on the way.

Go have some fun. I am.


The Marrying Man

The Joy of Working on Communication Projects

Dear Blog Readers,

I am really excited that I saw Temple Grandin last Tuesday.

I am totally a fan of hers and think writing more about happy ways to connect her work with mine would be good.

Want to focus today on this new project that is working its way into reality.

I'm thinking that the work I most need to do is to find ways to get people to know that there are so many ways to get an idea out into the world. I smile a lot and laugh and so much is conveyed by that. The fun thing is that most of that is really true. The hard thing is that not everything can be shared that way.

I need a method that allows details to emerge. The form of communication I am using right now hopefully conveys that if I am properly working with my communication supporters.

I get in ruts where I do not write what I mean so then the communication method does not work and things totally get confused. I am finding this happens a lot with people who are new at typing with me.

The project I am working on is going to highlight the wonderful experiences of truly connecting. It will share the struggles many of us have and the joys when we overcome them.

I am so happy it is summer.

I know things will keep happening.

I am totally excited to see what happens.

The way is with water and words.

So go forth flowing.



The Right Way Traveling Man




I am So Excited and Hopeful

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Joy is all around you. Very green it is now finally becoming. I hope this is raising your spirits like it is mine.

In your minds I have been very much sharing some of my struggles with communication support in my life. Joy is very much returning as the finding of good communication support for me is on the horizon.

Also, I wrote before of a new project connected to the Generator Maker Space. I just found a happy foundational team for it. I am really thinking that we will move things forward. It shall be called 'The Very Hopeful Sip of Fresh Air and Good Ideas' for the time being. The highlight today was getting Michael Metz and Pascal Cheng together after many years.

Michael and Pascal.jpg

They easily caught up and got down to business with Maker Planning Man, Brian Merrill.

You will gladly think happy thoughts as this grows and you see where it goes. I so want to share some more good thinking about it but we are still forming its focus.

I am going to shift gears now and see what I can say about the climate of the mind when it is calling a good project into being. I declare it needs to be open and easy and happy. I am so easy that it's making my typing fussy in getting out.
Oh, so much fine fun is soon to come.

I look forward to sharing more.

Good day!


The Big Picture Guy